CCESC Supervisors sort and pack supplies to donate to homeless children in Batavia.
almost 7 years ago, Karyn Winkler
@ohioITSCO Unconference! Great topics of discussion today included CoSN Trusted Learning, 1:1, software vetting, VR/AR, & Drones#TDUC17
almost 7 years ago, CCESC
Thanks @BHDogBones for letting Mrs. Graser's & Mrs. Lynch's middle school students visit and work on vocational skills!
almost 7 years ago, Abby Hanlon
Good luck to all students involved with winter testing!
almost 7 years ago, Randy Siler
CCESC is looking for long term subs (teachers and aides). If interested, please call Beth Parker at 513.735.8300.
almost 7 years ago, Beth Koenig
Learning about emotions teaches kids how to name their feelings and to regulate their behavior. Great Job, Marr Cook!
almost 7 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Our preschool students have a lot to be thankful for. Have a great Thanksgiving break!
almost 7 years ago, Abby Hanlon
However it is done, communication is the key to human interaction.
almost 7 years ago, Karyn Winkler
Congratulations to our Monroe preschool team on a 5 star rating! @NRMonroe_Horn @NREVSD
almost 7 years ago, Abby Hanlon
We had a great time today hiking, looking for fossils and learning about the Earth's timeline at Green Acres.
almost 7 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
The world according to Ian
almost 7 years ago, Sarah Bose
Good things going on in the REAL Program
Positive Behavior interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a great way to address bullying issues before they happen. It provides a schoolwide approach and creates a positive learning environment.
almost 7 years ago, Chris Curtin
Pumpkin investigation by preschool scientists
almost 7 years ago, Abby Hanlon
Thank you to all teachers who've submitted and had SLOs approved. We appreciate your hard work now and moving forward.
almost 7 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
The deadline to submit a rationale to the state if you are over the 1% Alternate Assessment cap has been pushed back to December!
almost 7 years ago, Chris Curtin
Conferences are scheduled for many school districts this month. Parent involvement makes a huge difference in the success of your child. Thanks to all who attend.
almost 7 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Get the CCESC App on the Apple or Google Store! Find out about News, special events and services.
almost 7 years ago, Duane Yockey
Come join us at the Clermont County Early Learning Fun Festival this Friday!
almost 7 years ago, Abby Hanlon
Good luck to all the schools in Clermont County that have Homecoming games and dances this weekend. Bring home a win, have fun, and be safe!
almost 7 years ago, Chris Curtin
It's been a great day watching students and teachers working hard at CEC-North. Lot's of learning going on here.
almost 7 years ago, Rebecca Kearns