CCESC Supervisors sort and pack supplies to donate to homeless children in Batavia.
@ohioITSCO Unconference! Great topics of discussion today included CoSN Trusted Learning, 1:1, software vetting, VR/AR,
& Drones#TDUC17
Thanks @BHDogBones for letting Mrs. Graser's & Mrs. Lynch's middle school students visit and work on vocational skills!
Good luck to all students involved with winter testing!
CCESC is looking for long term subs (teachers and aides). If interested, please call Beth Parker at 513.735.8300.
Learning about emotions teaches kids how to name their feelings and to regulate their behavior. Great Job, Marr Cook!
Our preschool students have a lot to be thankful for. Have a great Thanksgiving break!
However it is done, communication is the key to human interaction.
Congratulations to our Monroe preschool team on a 5 star rating! @NRMonroe_Horn @NREVSD
We had a great time today hiking, looking for fossils and learning about the Earth's timeline at Green Acres.
The world according to Ian
Positive Behavior interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a great way to address bullying issues before they happen. It provides a schoolwide approach and creates a positive learning environment.
Pumpkin investigation by preschool scientists
Thank you to all teachers who've submitted and had SLOs approved. We appreciate your hard work now and moving forward.
The deadline to submit a rationale to the state if you are over the 1% Alternate Assessment cap has been pushed back to December!
Conferences are scheduled for many school districts this month. Parent involvement makes a huge difference in the success of your child. Thanks to all who attend.
Get the CCESC App on the Apple or Google Store! Find out about News, special events and services.
Come join us at the Clermont County Early Learning Fun Festival this Friday!
Good luck to all the schools in Clermont County that have Homecoming games and dances this weekend. Bring home a win, have fun, and be safe!
It's been a great day watching students and teachers working hard at CEC-North. Lot's of learning going on here.